How a “Heart-Dreamer” Deals with Change
“Change is the only constant in life” --Heraclitus, Greek philosopher
That's life! Constant change. Our emotions dance between dark and light, ebb and flow, courage and fear, trauma and healing. The ebbs in life are not easy, are they? It wasn’t easy for me when my husband had a heart attack, when loved ones passed away, when there are unresolved issues that need healing, when I am ill, when a loved one is ill, when I watch the senseless outcome of violence, when I change my career, when I struggle with money, when I take a leap of faith and walk towards new changes. Yes, the “ebb list” is endless.
What have been your times of “ebb” in life? Thank you for your courage and strength to make it through those times! Thank you for moving with the down times and calling upon grace to help you through.
Inner work: Let’s make a list of all the times you experienced small wins and small “flows” in life, despite your challenges and struggles. Write down 3-5 wins and flows. Remember them in your body, mind and spirit and breathe these wins into your soul. Acknowledge yourself. Look how strong you are for making it through the darkness. You are still here to share your wisdom and life stories and you are getting stronger every day.
Life Wisdom: I’ll take the flows in life anytime over any of the ebbs, but I will acknowledge that every time I am forced to deal with a challenge, I grow stronger, wiser, and learn deeper lessons in the “school of life.” Remember…if you are having a difficult time, your moments of flow will come again. Become a heart-dreamer and shift your heart towards paths of healing and love. #trust #believe #faith #Grace
Affirmation of the day: I move through the ebb and flow of life with grace, courage and trust.